World's Oldest Open Bass Tournament

Founded in 1955

Opened to All in 1956


Inducted Into the Texas Freshwater Fishing Hall-of-Fame in 2016.

(Click HOF Trophy for Film)


Watch Honey Hole All Outdoors Filmed at the 2018 Tournament

(Click on the Photo Below)

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 Tournament Director
Sam Scroggins


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We welcome all to the 69th Annual Texas State Bass Tournament at Toledo Bend on April 26-27, 2025.

TSBT is an “Open Tournament”: all Texas-licensed or exempt anglers are eligible to fish except an angler who has received “Guide Pay” on the Tournament Lake in the 12 months prior to the Tournament.

Tournament Entry Form and Rules:

Tournament Schedule & Rules:

CLICK HERE to view/download a copy of the 2025 Texas State Bass Tournament Agenda and Stated Rules. 

Tournament Flyer:

CLICK HEREto view/download a copy of the 2025 Texas State Bass Tournament Flyer

Tournament Entry Form:

CLICK HERE to view/download a copy of the 2025 Texas State Bass Tournament Entry Form.

  1. Print the form on your computer.
  2. Fill in the complete registration form.
  3. Mail your completed entry form & registration fees to the address at the bottom of the form.
  4. Your entry form postmark must be no later than April 18, 2025 to take advantage of the reduced entry fee, be eligible for the special "Early Entry Drawing", and be assured of receiving a meal ticket and tournament hat.)

Note that the “Tournament Flyer”, “Entry Form”, and Tournament Rules" can be printed on letter paper. (Printing/viewing the entry form requires Adobe Reader)

Get Adobe Reader

2025 Tournament Entry Fees:

 Division Entry Fee If Postmarked By 4/18/2025 Entry Fee Postmarked After 4/18/2025
Individual $65.00 $75.00
Team $75.00 $85.00
Couples $75.00 $85.00
Adult/Boy $75.00 $85.00
Adult/Girl $75.00 $85.00
Senior Team $75.00 $85.00